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Business Events in Stirling
Here's a selection of Business Events you can find over on our sister site, What's On Stirling:
Food, Drink and Tourism Month
1st March 2025 - 31st March 2025
Join us for a month celebrating Central Scotland's food, drink, and tourism industry! We're here to support local businesses, grow together, and make our region even more awesome.
Lanarkshire Climate Action Hub are hosting a Community Cycle Day, with lots of free activities to enjoy, during the Easter Holidays at David Livingstone Birthplace!
Take a journey through the impossible with incredible illusions performed to an edgy backdrop of mystery, with master illusionist Chris De Rosa and his fabulous assistant, Michelle Ferguson!
Whether you’re walking in memory of a loved one, staying in shape, or just fancy shaking up your Saturday night... join the Stride for Kilbryde at Hamilton Park Racecourse on 7th June!