Weaver's Cottages 23 - 25 Wellwynd, Airdrie ML6 0BN | |
01236766350 | |
Facebook information can be found here | |
PSHG is a Scottish charity based in Airdrie that offers support to help improve the lives of individuals, carers, and families who experience negative physical health, mental health, emotional challenges and barriers due to a neurological diagnosis.
Services we currently provide include:
-Regular peer support groups for both individuals with diagnosis, and carers
-Complementary therapies, and beauty treatments at a reduced cost
-Information and advice with the ability to make appropriate referrals as needed
-Various activities, and events throughout the year aiming at improving physical, and mental wellbeing
-Occasional speakers
Our centre is wheelchair accessible with ramps, disabled toilets, and a platform stair lift. We are fortunate to have a large garden, which comes with many benefits on its own as a greenspace. All of our staff and volunteers at the centre have an in-depth understanding of the conditions we support and the difficulties and challenges people may experience.
We support our members to pursue their interests and hobbies in addition to building natural networks of support through friends and family. Some of our members meet socially out with the centre after forming friendships with those that they’ve met here.
Not only do we continue to work with members from the initial diagnosis and encourage them to live their best lives, but we also encourage carers to have a life outside of their caring role.
If you’d like to chat with us about what support we can offer you, we’re open Monday to Friday, 9am till 3pm. Feel free to call us on 01236 766350, email us at pshg@btconnect.com, reach out to us through our Facebook page "Parkinson's Self Help Group - North Lanarkshire", or visit us at 23-25 Wellwynd, Airdrie ML6 0BN.
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